I had the incredible opportunity to speak at the Tucson Young Professionals CEO Roundtable event on March 11 …

What an honor … but to be honest with you … I’m terrified of public speaking!

… So I came up with a plan … My plan was to just be honest (like I’m being with you!) and tell my audience just that. My next plan was to incorporate my points into stories …

Surely, I can get up and tell stories without my knees shaking … (Knees shaking a little) …

So off I went …

When I arrived, I found a room full of good lookin’ young professionals. There they were, waiting for me to tell them about my success, failures, and hear it all …

To get comfortable and acquainted, I immediately approached as many people as I could and introduced myself. By the time it was time to rock and roll, I was completely relaxed and eager!

So … I stood up, and said, “I’m terrified, so is it all right if I just keep it real?” They laughed and we got started …

I told my story of being raised on both sides of the Mexico/U.S. border. Of being raised by a single mother and then becoming a single mother myself … Of supporting my daughters by going from one sales job to another and after several years of jumping around settling into advertising sales …

Why did I start by talking about this?

Because in every room, there is someone who thinks they are the only one who “fill in the blank.”

I went into talking about how I met my husband, Doug, and how I wound up joining him in his law practice …

Why does this matter?

Because everyone has been faced with a difficult decision, and they are unsure and/or scared.

Then I started talking about being in business for six years and only then realizing my true, personal reason for wanting to be in the business I am in today …

This thought spurred my first piece of advice:

Find Your Purpose
There has to be something so compelling, so meaningful, that you will wake up every morning and jump out of bed excited to get started …. in spite of yesterday’s disappointments or failures. It is THAT reason that you MUST get up!

My story led into later years, when business was good … very good, but I had another lesson to learn:

Check Your Ego
There is nothing more humbling than to have to ask … no, wait … BEG, our MENTORS to get on a plane and come to Tucson to help get our business back on track.

What’s the point? The point is, with hard work, success does come. Do you get to keep it? Of course, but only with continued work and growth … and an ego check on the daily. Stay humble, and be smart.

And, as your career or business evolves, new opportunities will come up, bigger problems and doubts will keep you right where you are at. It boils down to fear.

So …

Get The (False) Stories Out Of Your Head
The chatter in your head that says, “You will fail, because you don’t have the right education, not enough education, you are a woman, you are Hispanic, African American, too old, too young, you are simply not enough, too … whatever … !”

It’s garbage! Get rid of it!

Surround yourself with the right influence and I don’t mean your mom telling you, “You can grow up to be whatever you want.” I mean, people who have done what you want to do, people who view the world positively and with humor. People who are smart and wise yet have gotten the crap kicked out of them (Remember? Humility). Read, learn, grow and KEEP MOVING!

As I scanned the room, people were making notes, typing on their iPads or simply nodding their heads … I knew that they (just like I did) needed to hear this encouragement and perspective!

I finished my talk by emphasizing the importance of loving and giving to those around you. And about enjoying the success and having fun!

It then became an open floor discussion and questions … Insightful, awesome questions … even questions I wish I had asked earlier on!

The absolute best part of that evening was having my 4-year-old granddaughter sitting in the audience …

I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great to have this little sweet child in a room with interesting discussion and smart people …”

And I was right …

She had sat quietly the entire time and when I finished, she walked over to me and said:

“Grandma, you did very good with your talking!”

I did, didn’t I …